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Christmas 2-D Shape Pictures to cut out and make

Christmas 2-D Shape Pictures to cut out and make

The children have to cut out each 2-D Shape and arrange them to create a Santa and a Christmas Tree. The children are also given an extension question which asks if they can name all of the shapes. This is ideal for encouraging partner talk. This can be used to create the children's Christmas Cards too! They could add a beard and baubles etc. Will save lots of time!
Topic Web for Rocks and the Stone Age Year 3

Topic Web for Rocks and the Stone Age Year 3

Although some of the subjects I teach may follow different schemes of work, this may help you to find some learning objectives for Year three particularly in History and Art. The these are; Music - classical music Re - How did belief in God affect the actions of people in the Old Testament Art - Cave paintings Extended Writing - biographies French - numbers, games, days of week Science - rocks PE - Games - tag rugby P - Physical Activity - PSHE - Understanding our bodies ICT - Rising Stars
Medium Term Planning Topic Web Year 1 - Clothes

Medium Term Planning Topic Web Year 1 - Clothes

The topic web includes Learning objectives on; Extended writing - Writing instructions Grammar PSHE - Empathy training RE - Jesus growing up PE - Gym ICT DT - making tabbed outfits or a teddy Art and Design - weaving History - clothes present and past Music Science - everyday materials
Topic Web - Growing - Year 1 - Medium Term Plan with Learning objectives

Topic Web - Growing - Year 1 - Medium Term Plan with Learning objectives

This is a topic web used for Growing in Year 1 for Spring 2. This includes; Science - Plants Extended writing - Rhyming Phrases Music - exploring instruments PSHE - Making the right choices and keeping safe ICT - filming a recipe DT - Making clay flower pots / cooking RE - Baptisma nd Easter symbols PE - Team Games